`Come away with me. Let us go alone to a quiet place and rest for a while.’ Mark 6:31
Dear All,
New Wine Celebration
Paul Harcourt will be speaking at a New Wine Celebration evening at Lawford Church on 7th September. Tickets can be booked at https://bit.ly/3M0xlYW
Toddler Group
It has been a joy to see the Toddler group grow over the year and we thank Esther for all the time and effort she puts into this. Esther would really like some help going forward for people to come and support her and chat with the parents and grandparents who come. This has become a really special and important way to connect and reach out to young families. If you would like to offer to help or would like to know more about this please do speak to Esther.
New Wine talks
A number of people have asked if we will be screening the New Wine teaching sessions from Bishop Ruth. We hope to do this so in the foyer you will find a sign up list – we are offering various days and times and will choose the two most popular to show the videos over a period of five weeks starting in September. The videos are simply the teaching and do not include the worship and “magazine” items which were shown when the morning sessions were streamed live.
Church Anniversary and Harvest Thanksgiving
On Sunday 15th September our Sunday morning service will focus on giving thanks for 70 years of church history here at Plume Avenue and also our Harvest Thanksgiving. After the service we hope to serve a lunch for everyone. There will be more details available next week and a sign up sheet. If you are able to help with the lunch in any way please do speak to Andrea. Please do put this date in your diary.
Holiday Club
Rachael writes: “On behalf of Liz and I, we would like to say a massive thank you for being involved, in whatever capacity, in this year’s holiday club. We are so grateful to you all, and although the children who attended were small in number, we know that good quality conversations were had, and the holiday club was greatly enjoyed and appreciated by the children and their families who attended.
One such comment, received via the Church Facebook page was:
“Thank you everyone for your time and love shown to the children. The last four weeks have been fun for the girls. They love and enjoy coming to holiday club, and I’m sure it’s all due to the amount of love they receive. We cannot thank you enough.”
Thank you all again so much for another fantastic example of team work!””
We have had some folk asking about baptism so we are proposing to have a baptism service in October. If you have not been baptised and would like to find out more, please do speak to me.
Questions for the Prospective Minister
Just a reminder that we are inviting all those who would like to submit questions to do so by sending an e-mail to admin@plumeavenuuchurch.org.uk We would ask that all questions are submitted by 31st August.
You may ask why we are asking for questions to be submitted and why give a date? We currently have 120 people on our database plus children and young people. It would not be possible to ask 120 + questions on the day. There will also be those who are very happy to put their hand up and ask questions but equally there are those who are more introvert and wouldn’t put themselves forward to ask a question in a large setting but who might have a very valuable question to ask.
We therefore would like to give everyone the opportunity to submit their questions – many of the questions submitted will no doubt be asking the same thing, maybe in just a different way. We will go through the questions and try and combine as many as we can together so that we achieve a manageable amount of questions for the day. There will of course be opportunity to ask questions individually over the weekend when you meet the prospective minister.
To help you with preparing your questions you may like to know that:
• The core things they bring are a heart for pastoral work, preaching and prayer (the 3 P’s!)
• This will be the candidate’s second ministry post with the URC
• They currently serve in a pastorate which has more than one church
• They describe their theology as biblical, evangelical and charismatic
• They are married with a young family
We would encourage the whole church family to submit questions so if you have children and young people in your family please do ask them if they have questions and let us have those with your own.
This week
There will be a prayer meeting on Wednesday and Saturday morning at 9.30 am. Zoom details will be e-mailed early in the week.
With love and blessings.