“The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of deep darkness a light has dawned.” Isaiah 9:2
Dear All,
Christmas Nativity Trail
This takes place this Sunday 8th December in the afternoon. The trail is for the community as well as church families and is a joint venture with Prettygate Baptist Church. The trail starts at Prettygate Baptist church at 2pm and finishes at Plume Avenue for refreshments, crafts and goodie bags. We still need help with welcoming, refreshments and crafts for the afternoon.
Christmas Gifts for Social Services – Sunday 8th December 2024
Please do bring your gifts to church on Sunday. We will receive them during the service.
Sheila writes “We have once again been asked to support the young adults in Colchester who are no longer in care, but are in supported living accommodation. These young people have no family to turn to and have to live on a very limited budget. Most are still in education so they receive benefits from social services from which they have to pay for their flat, food, energy bills and travel to college. Mentors are on hand to teach them skills they need to survive on their own, like budgeting and how to apply for jobs.
Day to day life for these young people is often very stressful as they try to cope on their own in an adult world. Basic food, clothes and toiletries are all they can afford.
To make this a special time of year for these people in our town, we have been asked to give biscuits, chocolates, toiletries, gloves, scarves, jewellery or any other gift you feel they would appreciate. Please do not wrap the gifts so that each present can be allocated to the appropriate person. A roll of wrapping paper would be most welcome.”
Community Christmas Cards
The Christmas cards have been sorted into roads (thank you to Kathy and Robin for doing this). Please do consider taking a bundle and delivering them. It would be so good to have all the cards delivered – it is the main way of letting the community know what is happening over Christmas as well as sending a Christmas message to them.
Open House
Julie and Dan write: “We’re having open house at ours on Christmas Eve. It’s from 1.30pm to 3.30pm and there will be nibbles and drinks available and also for the less abled people who struggle with stairs I have a stair lift that they can use.”