Dear All,
Hope you have had a good week. We go back to normal times for our service this week starting at 10am. Coffee will be available before the service.
Fish and Chip Lunch
The sign-up sheet for the Fish and Chips lunch on Saturday 10th August is in the foyer. Please do choose your options this Sunday. If you are unable to be in church on Sunday but would like to sign up, please do let me know by e-mailing Money can either be paid by contactless payment on the day, cash in an envelope marked ‘Fish and Chips lunch’ or through the bank account marked up as for the envelopes.
New Wine
Thank you to everyone who helped with the stewarding, refreshments and tech support for New Wine. Many of us have been really blessed through the worship and teaching and being able to be together. If you have a testimony to share or something which has spoken or inspired you please do let me know and we can make space in our services to share some of these blessings. We hope to be able to show the morning teaching series for the whole church over the coming months. New Wine Celebration
Paul Harcourt will be speaking at a New Wine Celebration evening at Lawford Church on 7th September. Tickets will be available from this week. I will circulate the link around but if you would prefer, I can order a batch of tickets so please do let me know if you would like to go.
Toddler Group
It has been a joy to see the Toddler group grow over the year and we thank Esther for all the time and effort she puts into this. Esther would really like some help going forward for people to come and support her and chat with the parents and grandparents who come. This has become a really special and important way to connect and reach out to young families. If you would like to offer to help or would like to know more about this please do speak to Esther.
Fantasy Football League
Our thanks to Stewart Bird for arranging the Fantasy Football League again for us. He writes:
For the 2024/25 Fantasy Premier League why don’t you join my mini-league “United by Football”?
Joining the league couldn’t be easier. Simply use the link below and you’ll be added automatically after you’ve entered the game.
League Code: oyk85a
Summer Devotions
Joe has prepared a devotions pack for young people. Each week, the pack will offer a unique devotion and activity centered on the theme of God’s promises, designed to be engaging at home. The pack has been sent out by e-mail and copies are available in the foyer. Although Joe wrote them specifically for the youth they are great for everyone.
Please do pray for the following:
Holiday Club – this takes place on Monday mornings from July 29th to August 19th. Please pray for the children who are coming, that they will have a fun experience and encounter with God, the leaders and those helping in the café area where parents and grandparents will stay.
Satellites – some of the youth are attending Satellites, a Christian youth festival, from the 2nd – 7th August at the Royal Bath Showground. Please pray for their encounter with God, the cultivation of strong friendships, enjoyment of the event, and for the leaders who will be supervising them. Also for the cooks and those driving the group to and from the festival.
New Wine – pray that the blessings, experiences and teaching we have benefitted from will remain with us and help us in our discipleship and love for the Lord.
This week
There will be a prayer meeting on Wednesday morning at 9.30 am. Zoom details will be e-mailed early in the week. Please note there will be no prayer meeting on Saturday 10th August.
With love and blessings.